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Health Innovation Matters

Oct 7, 2021

Did you know that rheumatic diseases cost the U.S. healthcare system an estimated $128 billion annually? That fact forms the basis of a riveting conversation between Aneel and Dr. Andrew Concoff,. Executive Vice President and Chief Value Medical Officer at United Rheumatology.  Concoff describes the unique challenges faced by rheumatologists in private practice,  compared to those working for health systems, and details resources that have been helpful in overcoming these challenges. Concoff notes how the infusion suite has produced substantial revenue for rheumatologists but how those revenue now are being targeted and shrinking. For patients to succeed they need to be provided with robust care, he explains, but we also need ensure that private practices succeed as well. The transformation to value-based care, through evidence-based data and outcomes, can produce innovative treat-to-target strategies, he notes. Concoff also discusses how healthcare systems, payors, and rheumatologists can work together to drive quality care and reduce the cost of treating patients with rheumatologic disease.